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The statutory retirement age for men will be gradually raised from 60 to 63 in the course of 15 years starting 2025, while that for women cadres and women blue-collar workers will be raised from 55 to 58 and from 50 to 55, respectively. (Sept. 13, Xinhua)


The retirement age will be raised for men to 63 years old from 60, while for women in white collar work it would be raised to 58 years from 55. For women in blue collar work it will be increased to 55 from 50. (Sept. 13, Reuters)

美国彭博社把“女干部”界定为“担任管理岗的女性”,以“ordinary workers”描述“女工人”:

Men will retire at 63 instead of 60. Women will retire at 55 instead of 50 for ordinary workers, and 58 instead of 55 for those in management positions. (Sept. 13, Bloomberg)


Existing rules stated that men in urban areas could retire at 60 and receive their pensions, and women at 50 or 55, depending on their occupation. (Sept. 13, CNN)

最好玩的是《华尔街日报》,直接把职场女性分为“蓝领(blue-collar women)”和“其他(other women)”,估计是不想在“女干部”一词上浪费太多脑细胞。请看:

Beijing on Friday moved to gradually raise the statutory retirement age to 63 for men and 55 for blue-collar women. The retirement age for other women will increase to 58 from 55. (Sept. 13, WSJ)





根据这一权威解读,以上译法似乎都包不住“女干部”一词的内涵。以带有社会主义意识形态色彩的单词“women cadres”来表达“女干部”,大概也是无奈之举。好在,以后应该统一用“女职工”来表述了!

